
My Photo
Location: East of the Mississippi, United States

I'm an old white guy with over 60 years on this earth. That's me in the photo. That's my yard I'm sitting in. You can't have it.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Father's Day

You had a Father. He may have only been a biological one or so it seems like many people feel that way now days. More and more children are from homes which have mulitiple Fathers; and Mothers for that matter. It has not been easy, but I have been able to stay with the Mother of my children 24 years now. It has not been easy because there have been "issues", as the kids have begun to say recently.
My daughters have needed the influence of a man around the house. I have taught them, I hope, some things in life that has made it worth me being here. I hope I have been an example of the kind of man they need to go look for. I think this is the prime reason that a Father is here. Aside from the act of impregnating the Mother. Children learn primarily by example. That is so obvious that only the slowest of brain cannot see it. Fathers can lead their children into a positive, productive and happy life or they can lead them to misery. It is a choice.
So I am going to go now and be a FATHER.
Happy Father's Day.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Who are you?

I was happy to see that someone - nn91 - actually read this blog of mine. They had no question, but that's OK.
You want to change your life. Notice I did not put that in the form of a question. The odds are with me. Most people want to change their lives.
First you have to look at your life. Find out who you are and what you do. Try to look at yourself objectively. Look at your emotional responses as if you were someone else. You have watched enough TV to know what to look for in people. Look for it in yourself. Are you pitiful, whiney or sad? Are you loud and obnoxious? Does your spouse or boy/girl friend manipulate you? Do you manipulate them? Read some books figure it out. Read Games People Play by Eric Berne.
So basically you can not change yourself effectively if you do not know who you are.
Make lists. Keep records. Plot your behavior on a chart. Have someone take photos or videos of you when you are in a bad mood. You will be surprised what you look like and sound like. Do whatever it takes. Learn who you are.

What do you want? After you find out who you are, do some soul searching and try to figure out where you went wrong. You had plans and ideas of what you wanted to do and be years ago. What happened to them? Did you abort your plans or did someone else? It is usually a lot easier to blame someone else. Go ahead and do so. It does not matter. The truth is what it is.
(My children will get into an argument over something that is. An example would be how tall something is. They go on for a long time and really get mad. Now what is the point? The item is as tall as it is no matter what either of them believes. The Media does the same thing with their polls of the public and what it thinks is going to happen: “Do you think Michael Jackson is guilty?” What a stupid question. He will either be found guilty or not and no one person’s opinion or millions of opinions will change it; unless, of course, you are on the jury.)
It really does not matter who is to blame, you are where you are. You are who you are. You are the starting point. You are the biggest problem. You are lazy. You are afraid. You doubt yourself. You are stuck in a rut. You find it easier to stay just the way you are. Most people do. They continue along in life blaming everyone else and complaining at everything. Whine. Whine. Whine. Is that you? Blame thrower. Whiner. Lazy. Fat. Stupid. Ugly. Black. White. Latin. Asian. My answer to all those excuses. ONE EXCUSE IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER!
(Just be glad you did not grow up as one of my children; you would have heard that often.)
So do you see yourself for what you are? Now I have a question. Do you want to change? Do you really want to change? I think that is what they require at the AA meetings. You know. “My name is _____ and I am an alcoholic.” Well the same thing goes here. You name is _____ and you are ____. If you are a human being, you have value. If you are a human being, you have potential. If you are a human being, you can grow and change into anything you want.
Next is finding a firm goal that you will be able to live for. The reason I say something you can live for is because if you have a goal you are not committed to you will fail. How about the goals your parents picked for you? Or the goals your spouse picked for you? Are you following the goals your high school teachers planned for you? If you are following someone else’s goals then you are probably less committed than if they were your own.

Here is an idea. Write your obituary with the assumption you die at eighty years old. What would you like to have written about you. Would you like this to be your epitaph? So-an-so was a fireman for 35 years and received five commendations for saving lives. He married his high school sweetheart and had three beautiful happy successful children. Write about your life as you want it to be. Write it and rewrite until you find an end to your life that you are proud of. A life that when you read it you say, “Wow I wish I had been him!”

Now you are ready to set out on a new life. Take the first step. What is the first step? Do you need to get a new job, leave you parents, go to school or punch someone? There is something you need to do to make a specific change in direction in you life. Find it and do it. I am sorry that this is so general, but I have no specific questions to answer.

You can’t do it can you? Then I have a question for you. Do you want to continue to be the whiner, or whatever you are, that you are? If the answer is yes, then go ahead. Now write your obit. “Here lies the whiner that never did anything he/she wanted; unhappy and unfulfilled.”
I know I sound harsh and unyielding, but any other answer will allow you off the hook. Now gather your courage and go have a good, productive and happy life.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My first posting on my blog.

If you have chanced across my blog, then you are in luck. There is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be tapped. Like oil underground that can power the machines of the world the knowledge in me is waiting for you to bring it to the surface. My desire is to advise you about your life. So give it a try. Maybe we can have some fun.

General advice to everyone:

Be where you are.
My children heard this for years. Basically it is the smell the roses idea. However, it goes deeper than simply doing something cute or fun while you are traveling through life. Your existence is the key to your travels through life. In the simple act of living you are being, but often people have difficulty being where they are. They want to be somewhere else, do something else or have something else. It is all well and good to work toward a goal, but if you don’t exist where you are, while you are working toward that goal, then if you do attain that goal, you will not know how to “be” there. In other words you will reach the goal and still not be satisfied.
Name it whatever you want, but make your existence at this very moment a fact that you can think about. Are you aware of your body? Are you aware of your environment? Are you aware of your emotional attitude?

Learn to read.
I am aware that you are reading this and that is good. I recommend you increase your reading. I recommend you stop watching TV. It will suck the life right out of you. The rich and powerful people do not watch TV all the time. They are doing. Mostly what they are doing is doing it to you. You are a cog in the wheel of industry and commerce and TV is one of the methods that the people that control your life use. First assignment: Read 1984 by George Orwell. If you get through that then let me know. Tell me what you think and then I will give you another book to read. Please just type in 1984 Orwell on Amazon or eBay. Order the book and read it.

I think that is enough for one day. Come back tomorrow.